
萨米亚·巴希尔-戴维斯, following some advice from her grandmother helped lead to one of the most meaningful experiences of her academic career.

Bashir-Davis, 刑事司法专业大三, served as an intern during this winter’s Virginia General Assembly legislative session, 是在一月到三月间举行的吗, as part of 最靠谱的网赌软件’s General Assembly Internship Program.

“我学到了很多,”巴希尔-戴维斯说. “I think this is the most I’ve ever learned in my life in 45 days.”

Bashir-Davis, who is the speaker of the Senate for ODU’s Student Government Association, learned about the program when she saw a flyer in an elevator at the Ireland House residence hall last fall. 起初, “我什么都没想,”她说。, 但她是在一位教授的敦促下申请的, 菲利普·曼.

“他是我最大的导师之一,”她说. “他说,‘只管去做.’”

曼恩, 他的法律和刑事司法课上有巴希尔-戴维斯, 写了一封推荐信.

从左, 兰迪·诺曼23岁, Samiyyah Bashir-Davis, 24岁, 维多利亚•艾伦 ’24 and George Yates III ’23 served internships at the State Capitol during the 2023 General Assembly.

“Ms. Bashir was one of my best students in a class of about 35,” he wrote. “She was serious, diligent, curious, and engaged in learning the material. … She clearly wants to excel and has strong and commendable ambitions as she pursues her professional career.”

一旦她被录取了, there was the matter of which legislators she would be assigned to. An orientation session with legislators and their aides was held at Broderick 餐厅 Commons in December.


“My grandmother told me that morning to make sure I had my résumé printed,” Bashir-Davis said. “我说,‘为什么? 我已经进去了. 这有什么意义??’她说:‘拿来就行了.’”

在培训会上,巴希尔-戴维斯遇到了德尔. 杰基·霍普·格拉斯,89人的代表th 诺福克地区.

“在我们吃完午饭后, 我把我的履历塞给了她的立法助理,我说, “我很乐意为戴尔工作. ’”巴希尔-戴维斯说. 剩下的都是历史了.”

Bashir-Davis was one of five ODU students who interned during the 2023 Virginia

大会1月开始. 11. The University’s General Assembly Internship Program was established in August 2004, 2005年1月,第一个实习生被聘用. 从那时起,已有100名实习生参加了该项目. 实习是全职的, 带薪职位, and the students are housed in a hotel next to the state Capitol. 该计划由ODU的一项持续特别拨款支持 教育基金会.

ODU legislative intern Sheyla Daniels ’23 is pictured with First Lady Suzanne S. 扬金在行政大厦.

Stephanie Harron serves as ODU’s executive assistant for strategic operations and governmental relations and is coordinator for the General Assembly Internship Program.

“The General Assembly Internship Program provides an opportunity for students to gain knowledge and understanding about the legislative process as it takes place in the heart of the commonwealth’s Capitol,哈伦说. “Not only does this internship experience reflect positively on one’s résumé, but also provides opportunities for professional networking and future employment after graduating from ODU.”

Bashir-Davis performed constituent services and eventually handled social media accounts for Glass. She said one Instagram video she produced – a reel of Glass’ outfits – garnered 14,000 views.

“I think that really grabbed her attention – how important it is to be on social media for this new generation,巴希尔-戴维斯说, who is now the communication manager for Glass’ re-election campaign this year.

巴希尔-戴维斯也曾与奥巴马共事. 林伍德刘易斯, acknowledged that working 40 hours a week while taking three classes online was a challenge. But getting an up-close look at the legislative process was illuminating.

“待在案发的房间里, it made me look at politics and our political system in a different light,”她说。. “这些都是有家庭的真实的人,事情发生了. 这些不仅仅是电视上的角色. 我们都是普通人,想一起解决这个问题.”

兰迪·诺曼, a senior political science major who is also minoring in criminal justice, 和戴尔一起实习. 拨款委员会主席巴里·奈特说. 杰·莱维奇和参议员. 比尔DeSteph. 诺曼赞同巴希尔-戴维斯的观点.

“It is fascinating to see what it takes to develop an efficient budget for the Commonwealth of Virginia,他说. “Working for Leftwich was also a fantastic experience because he chairs General Laws in the House of Delegates. It was an enlightening experience to see Republicans and Democrats work together on important issues and debate some of the most polarizing political topics.”

维多利亚•艾伦, a junior majoring in international studies with a minor in Spanish, 在戴尔实习. 纳达利斯·克拉克和凯利·康弗斯-福勒.  她参加了议会会议和集会, assisted with organizing files and worked on documentation supporting bills and resolutions.

“I was encouraged and inspired by the kind spirits of my fellow delegates and General Assembly staff to be unafraid and desire to create change, 做我自己,跟随我的心,”她说。. “It was an unforgettable experience and provided me with the foundation I need for crucial life skills in the future.”

The other ODU interns were George Yates III, a senior marketing major who worked with Sens. 玛米·洛克和L. Louise Lucas, and Sheyla Daniels, a junior international/global studies major who worked with Del. 格伦-戴维斯和德-库里.

Bashir-Davis, who interned for Norfolk Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney Cynthia D. 去年秋天,科拉德想成为一名检察官. 她正在考虑明年申请哪所法学院.

But the General Assembly internship left an indelible impression.

她说:“我非常感谢ODU. “太感激了.”

Interested in serving as a legislative intern for the 2024 General Assembly Internship Program beginning in January 2024? 参观 大会实习网站 或与Harron联系 sharron@sh-fyz.com or 757-683-3156.

上图:“在发生的房间里, it made me look at politics and our political system in a different light,萨米亚·巴希尔-戴维斯说, 刑事司法专业大三. 图Chuck Thomas/ODU