By Kelsey Kendall

最靠谱的网赌软件的机构公平和多样性办公室主办了2024年约翰R. Broderick多元化冠军颁奖典礼于3月28日在Chartway Arena举行.

该奖项旨在表彰那些在课堂上致力于促进多样性和公平的个人, workplace and community. 今年有16名教职员工和学生获得表彰. 他们的工作横跨大学各个院系和学科,包括咨询, criminal justice, health sciences, libraries and humanities.

“多元化冠军奖为我们提供了一个机会,展示我们校园社区的成员如何创造机会的途径和门户,从而增强我们的生活和学习社区,并最终使我们处于更有前瞻性的位置,为经济增长做出贡献。, 诺福克和汉普顿路地区的创新、社区和福祉,”  said September Sanderlin, vice president for Human Resources, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Veleka Gatling, 负责多元化和包容性卓越的助理副总裁, said the 2024 nominees came from across the University, 包括那些“传统上没有”因其在多样性和包容性方面的努力而被提名的领域, such as distance learning and health sciences.

“这确实有助于我们理解,我们真正在努力实现一个致力于多样性的社区的意义, equity and inclusion,” Gatling said. “And it truly is baked into everything that we do.”

Angela Wilson, 健康科学学院的临床助理教授, was named this year’s Overall Diversity Champion.

The recognition came as a surprise to Wilson, 谁说她想不出自己参与的任何活动或项目中“有‘多样性’这个词?.相反,这是她在课堂和工作中所做的一些小事情.


她说,她试图确保她的学生了解他们的同龄人或同事可能来自的所有背景, whether they be cultural, financial, mental health, religious or something else.

“I appreciate diversity, 所以我试着每天练习——练习一种归属感——因为我们都是不同的,” Wilson said. “Makes life more exciting.”

威尔逊最近将跨性别医学及其对实验室测试的影响纳入了课程. 她还参加了促进卫生公平倡议的委员会和董事会.

From 2018-2023, 威尔逊在健康科学学院的跨专业教育委员会任职,并参加了一个年度会议,该会议吸引了全学院的学生分享他们在项目中学到的东西.

Wilson has also facilitated global engagement and learning. In 2022, she directed a study course that delved into the historical, social and political aspects of the Cuban health care system.

Also in 2022, 威尔逊参加了全球参与中心和教师发展合作在线国际学习研讨会,并带回了她所学到的概念,与ODU健康科学专业的学生和巴西建筑专业的学生一起介绍了一个项目,“理论上”设计了一个人体工程学微生物实验室. 

“When I did the COIL training, 真正的重点是尊重和认识学生之间的文化差异,并努力弥合这些差距,” Wilson said.

Throughout the project, Wilson noted the way the students, despite being from different countries and backgrounds, 找到了沟通的方法,比如他们的宠物和远离家去上学.

对她的学生来说,通过这个项目了解全球多样性和医疗保健的多样性是很重要的, Wilson said. 了解差异可以帮助学生理解为什么某些群体可能不愿意接种疫苗或寻求医疗援助,并为他们提供开始解决卫生保健公平问题的工具.

威尔逊说:“我希望这能影响到他们的专业实践。. “I hope it trickles into communities and into their homes.”

Rachel Childs, 健康科学学院的临床助理教授, 提名她的同事是因为威尔逊在促进包容性和多样性方面做得“超越”.



“我们真的是相互联系的,特别是在病人护理方面,”威尔逊说. “We can learn from each other.”

她通过与其他护理专业人士的合作实践了这一点, 口腔卫生及海洋学-研究潮汐洪水对土壤养分及微生物的影响.

蔡尔兹说,威尔逊就如何通过提高对黑人历史月等活动的认识,使交流更具包容性,并认识到代表性不足和弱势群体,提出了一些建议, Native American History Month and LGBTQIA+ Month.

This shows students walking by her office that they belong, and she is someone they can come talk to if needed, Wilson said.

All the 2024 Diversity Champions:

  • Krystall Dunaway
  • Brianna Elum
  • Travis Jacobs
  • Sampath Jayarathna
  • Shanda Jenkins
  • Holli Kubly
  • Najmeh Moradiyan-Rizi
  • Aine Norris
  • Vanessa Panfil
  • Judith Wambui Preston
  • Kerri Rinaldi
  • Mitsue Shiokawa
  • Portia Stokes
  • Shuntay Tarver
  • Brandi Woodell
  • Angela Wilson