获得经验 & 机会

Seeking Student 就业?

Your first stop is 握手! 联系开放的职位和各种类型的机会,无论是校内还是校外.

Student 就业 项目

Provides funds for part-time employment to help eligible students finance the costs of postsecondary education. All available FWS positions are posted in 握手

FWS funds are not automatically applied to your student account. 资金必须通过在大学内符合条件的FWS职位就业而获得.

申请FWS的所有职位,必须有当前的FWS奖励offer. An award does not guarantee a position on campus, 而是为你打开了一个额外的校园职位池.


职业发展服务与所有校园部门合作分配FWS. Each position is posted in 握手 and applicants are recruited and hired directly by the worksite. To find available positions, please log into 握手 and search for “FWS” positions.

America Reads and America Counts are federally sponsored programs that provide tutors in the community, including local elementary schools. Become a role model and develop the future by helping school children with reading/literacy and math skills. To find available positions, please log into 握手 and search for “FWS” positions.


社区 服务 positions allow you to work in the local community at selected non-profit organizations or 政府机构 while earning your work study award. To find available positions, please log into 握手 and search for “FWS” positions.


Utilize your FWS award in an on-campus internship experience.  即将到来的2024年秋季!  Available positions will be posted in 握手.

The 学习 and Earn Advantage Program is an 校内工作计划 that allows eligible freshman undergraduate students the opportunity to earn money and gain valuable job-related skills during the Fall and Spring semesters through part-time jobs on campus, 职场技能课程, and leadership and career development workshops. 学生 that are awarded LEAP have the option of applying for and working a LEAP job in order to earn the LEAP money indicated in their financial aid package. Please note that receipt of award DOES NOT guarantee a LEAP job.

LEAP jobs average 10-15 hours per week in positions 所有 校园外(直接与餐饮服务或大学维修工作除外). To find available positions, log onto the 握手门户 and search for "LEAP Positions." 最靠谱的网赌软件了解更多信息.

Requirements for the LEAP program:

  • 接受LEAP奖
  • 接受LEAP Job
  • Enroll in or successfully complete the UNIV 130 工作技能 course in the first semester of the LEAP program
  • 留在 良好的学术地位 和接收 积极的工作评价 from their immediate LEAP supervisors each semester

LEAP II is an continuation of LEAP into the sophomore year for a limited number of successful LEAP participants.

LEAP II offers second year undergraduate students (true sophomore) an opportunity to receive pre-internship work experience. 工作与你感兴趣的领域相关,并得到校园主管的实际指导. You must have successfully completed the LEAP Program for freshmen and maintain a GPA higher than 2.3.

This work-study program is a VA education benefit offered to military students working towards a college degree, 职业证书, 或者从3 / 4到全职. 在这个援助项目中,经济援助是用志愿者的个人时间来交换的. 大多数勤工俭学的任务包括完成和处理文书工作, assisting with recruitment services, and working at medical facilities, among other common VA duties. Additional information can be found at va.政府.

Earn while you learn with a VA Work-Study allowance. 联络兽医及雇员 to apply for these educational benefits.

实习 & Cooperative Education (合作社s)

君主实习 & 合作社 Office serves as the central unit for supporting work-based learning initiatives at 最靠谱的网赌软件. They provide advising and support to students, 与雇主合作, 与学术部门合作,扩大以工作为基础的学习课程. 欲了解更多信息,请联系君主实习和合作办公室757-683-5627, internship@sh-fyz.com, sh-fyz.com/internship,或访问1000韦伯中心办公室,周一至周五,上午8:30至下午5:00.

Student 就业 Frequently Asked Questions

食堂或校园内任何其他餐饮场所的工作都属于爱玛客. 有关爱玛客的职位和查特威竞技场的职位,请访问 ODU's affiliated employment webpage.

Check your award notification from 金融援助 or 狮子座在线. Eligible students who filed a FAFSA form for financial aid are given FWS amount to accept or decline from the 最靠谱的网赌软件 Office of 金融援助.

FWS is awarded by 金融援助 based on financial need as determined through your completed FAFSA. Eligibility is determined by number of factors. 如果您被授予FWS,您将在您的经济援助包中看到该奖项. Check your financial aid package in 狮子座在线. FWS将与财政援助发放的任何其他赠款或贷款一起列出.

All Federal Work Study positions are posted in 握手. 有很多 student employment programs 赢得你的奖项. 如果您在创建和保存求职信息方面需要帮助,请访问我们的 职业共用 寻求帮助 from a Career Coach. 与握手的所有职位一样,申请时需要一份简历. We have Career Coaches to assist you, but to get started; here are some 简历样本 作为向导使用!

No, you do not need to complete a FAFSA to work on campus. 然而, there are hundreds of campus work opportunities available for students who have completed their FAFSA. Filling out your FAFSA may provide you with additional opportunities for Federal aid; including loans, 奖助金, and Federal Work Study Awards. Federal Work Study jobs require an award to apply, but you are eligible to apply to campus student hourly positions without an award or FAFSA application.

All of our positions are posted online in 握手. All degree-seeking students have an account and can access 握手 using the 我的arch Key login with their MiDAS ID and Password. 在握手中,只需上传你的简历,就可以申请工作了! If you do not have a resume, we have 提示和示例 to get you started and Career Coaches available to assist you.

虽然FAFSA不是必需的,但我们鼓励您填写一份 金融援助; you may be eligible for federal aid which will widen your net of on-campus work opportunities by making you eligible for federal work study jobs.

不同的职位有不同的申请流程. Details about applying will be mentioned on the job ad. 为面试做好准备的一个方法就是准备一份基本的简历. We have Career Coaches to assist you, but to get started; here are some 简历样本 作为向导使用!

Once in the 狮子座在线 财政援助审查屏幕,选择接受(或拒绝)为FWS提供. 一旦被接受,必须获得FWS奖项并保持资格; FWS awards are not automatically applied to your student account.

Once you have accepted a FWS award you can search for a position that will allow you 赢得你的奖项:

  1. 登录 握手
  2. 在“职位类型”下拉菜单中,选择“联邦工作研究(FWS)”
  3. 点击搜索
  4. 上传简历

所有空缺职位均会公布,并定期增加新职位. If you do not find a suitable position, 请保存职位搜索代理以接收自动职位更新:

  • Select the "Advanced 搜索" tab to save, name, and submit your search
  • Schedule your search from the "搜索 Agent's" tab

申请勤工俭学工作的过程与申请其他职位的过程类似. Make sure that your resume speaks to your skills. 如果您需要任何帮助,请访问职业共用来讨论您的简历.

A FWS award does not guarantee employment. 和其他工作一样, FWS有一个竞争激烈的招聘过程,你需要在握手完成FWS的工作搜索. 每个学期FWS的机会有限,所以请尽早申请.

联系 ODU student employment at FWS@sh-fyz.com 以了解您需要哪些信息以及如何提交您的表格.

Federal Work Study (FWS) and (学习 and Earn Advantage Program (LEAP) are similar in that you need to submit your FAFSA to qualify for these funds, but different in regards to the structure. FWS职位开放给任何在大学表现良好的合格学生.

LEAP is a freshman employment program unique to ODU that allows students to mix 学习 with Earning. 只有获得LEAP奖的新生才能申请LEAP的公开工作. 学生 in this program are hired in different departments around campus and are able to earn a paycheck while also taking a weekly class that will teach about professionalism and other workforce readiness skills. LEAP旨在帮助学生为毕业后的实习和就业做好准备. 学习 about the skills employers value while developing and applying them to their work site is the basis of the program. The LEAP program is only for freshmen. There is a LEAP2 program that allows some of the successful LEAP1 students to continue into their sophomore year.

The LEAP 2 Program allows sophomore students to work on campus in a role that will help to develop career-relevant skills while preparing students for 实习 or other work options after their sophomore year. 只有成功完成LEAP项目的大二学生才有资格参加LEAP 2.

Check your award notification from 金融援助. Eligible 1st year undergraduate students who filed a FAFSA form for financial aid would have been given an LEAP amount to accept or decline from the 最靠谱的网赌软件 Office of 金融援助.

LEAP is awarded by 金融援助 based on financial need as determined through your completed FAFSA. Eligibility is determined by number of factors. 如果您获得了LEAP,您将在您的经济援助包中看到该奖项. Check your financial aid package in LEO. LEAP将与财政援助发放的任何其他赠款或贷款一起列出.

Once in the 狮子座在线 财务援助审查屏幕,选择接受(或拒绝)LEAP录取. 一旦接受了, LEAP awards must be earned and eligibility must be maintained; LEAP awards are not automatically applied to your student account.

在您接受LEAP奖励后,您将通过握手门户进行申请. 握手 is your network for jobs, 实习, and events targeted just for ODU students and alumni.


  • 登录 握手
  • Select "my jobs" on the left side of the screen
  • 选择高级搜索
  • Next to Job Type- click "学习 & 获得优势计划(LEAP) -如果你需要任何帮助,不要犹豫,给我发电子邮件 LEAP@sh-fyz.com 寻求帮助!
  • 用简历申请. 如果你需要帮助,职业发展服务办公室可以提供帮助!!

LEAP奖 does not guarantee employment. 和其他工作一样, LEAP is a competitive hiring process and applicants may be asked to interview with potential on-campus employers. 特定的工作只保留给LEAP学生,提前申请的学生通常会被录用. 每学期的LEAP机会有限,所以请尽早申请.

入门级 & Experienced Professional Jobs

每年,雇主都会发布数以千计的全职和兼职工作、实习和合作项目 握手 毕业生及校友. 职业发展服务中心接待来自私营企业的组织, 政府机构, 武装部队, and public education for a range of events:

  • 会话信息 与雇主代表和ODU校友进行密切的个人接触
  • 人才招聘会往往会 开放给所有ODU学生,校友,直系亲属和当地军事人员.
  • 校园面试 take place each fall and spring and employers typically expect candidates to be available within 2-8 weeks after applying


你是否在寻求某一职业所需的特定知识和技能? 你正在寻找与本科专业不同的工作吗?

A graduate degree can provide these credentials, increase advancement opportunities, and provide the flexibility necessary to change careers.

许多学生一旦完成了本科学业, choose to pursue a graduate degree. Some decide to continue immediately upon graduation, and others take a break to work and explore their options first. Whichever group you fall into we are here to support your decisions and provide you with information and resources to help you make the best decision for you.

Career Development 服务s is available to assist you and can help connect you to resources to help you in your decision-making process. 我们的办公室在申请过程中提供个人帮助和支持, 模拟面试, workshops and programs on various related topics.


在ODU, graduate students engage in small classes with dedicated faculty who are professionals in their fields. Each of our graduate programs offer challenging courses as well as excellent research opportunities.