
Old Dominion University (ODU) offers a diverse range of interdisciplinary schools that cater to cutting-edge fields of study.


In the realm of cybersecurity education, the ODU School of 网络安全 plays a pivotal role in fulfilling the university's commitment to its students 和 the wider community. By offering rigorous academic programs, fostering strategic partnerships, 和 actively engaging in civic initiatives, the school prepares students to tackle the complex 和 evolving challenges of cybersecurity. As a crucial component of ODU's broader mission, the School of 网络安全 contributes to enriching not only the Commonwealth of Virginia but also the entire nation 和 beyond.


The School of 数据科学 at ODU boasts a distinctive partnership with esteemed institutions like the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Laboratory (JLab)NASA Langley 研究 Center (LaRC). This collaboration forms the foundation for interdisciplinary academic programs spanning under研究生, 研究生, 和 non-degree levels. Students at the School of 数据科学 are exposed to cutting-edge research 和 experiential learning opportunities, enhancing their skills in data analysis 和 interpretation.

Supply Chain, 物流, & Maritime Operations

The School of Supply Chain, 物流, 和 Maritime Operations reflects ODU’s commitment to serving as a worldwide leader in maritime studies, providing leading-edge data analytics, digital transformation, operational 和 innovation resources, 培训, 和研究. The school builds on the University's legacy of maritime-focused initiatives, including the 国际 海上、港口 和 物流 Institute 和 the Maritime Consortium. The school addresses the growing dem和 for a skilled logistics workforce by offering maritime 和 supply chain degrees to prepare 研究生s to tackle issues that have far-reaching impacts 和 introduce solutions.

These three interdisciplinary schools collectively highlight ODU's dedication to providing high-quality education 和 impactful research across diverse 和 crucial fields. Through its 国际 海上、港口 & 物流 Institute, School of 数据科学, 和 School of 网络安全, ODU st和s as a beacon of innovation, offering students unique opportunities to excel in rapidly evolving industries 和 contribute to the betterment of society.

Interdisciplinary 学校