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To promote equal treatment and inclusive excellence of Asian faculty and 工作人员 at 最靠谱的网赌软件


  • 为校园内的亚裔教职员工提供支持网络
  • To promote equal treatment of Asian faculty and 工作人员 in terms of recruitment, 工资, 晋升和终身职位.
  • 支持校园的多样性和公平性
  • 促进会员与非会员之间的跨文化对话

国际教师职业导师小组 & 工作人员


  • 在ODU学习作为国际教师的成功秘诀 & 工作人员,及
  • 在ODU同事之间建立一个强大的网络?


时间: 12:30 - 2 p.m.

日期: 2023年4月18日星期二

的地方: 板条艺术 & 信 9024



Dr. 安妮特Finley-Croswhite

Dr. 安妮特Finley-Croswhite







DR. 凌李

DR. 凌李


信息技术 & 决策科学|商学院



  • 该组织将被称为亚洲和亚裔美国人核心小组.
  • 为亚洲学生提供支援网络, 工作人员, 管理员, 以及最靠谱的网赌软件的教职员工.
  • To serve as an advocacy group to facilitate the campus climate and educational equity efforts for Asian students, 工作人员, 管理员, 和老师.
  • 发展和维护校园内富有成效的跨文化关系.
  • To advocate for the recruitment and retention of Asian students, 工作人员, 管理员, 和老师.
  • 促进亚裔教职员、行政人员及教员的发展.
  • 促进亚洲学生的成功.
  • To serve as a resource to the campus and community on issues that impact the Asian community.
  • To sponsor educational and social programs that advance the interest of Asian.
  • Regular membership is open to current 工作人员 和老师 of 最靠谱的网赌软件. Affiliate membership is open to 校友, former faculty and 工作人员, and community members.
  • 每年的会费由执行委员会决定.
  • All members including Affiliates may serve on Asian and Asian-American Caucus committees, except that only elected officers shall constitute the Executive Committee in accordance with Articles IV.2和V.1. 除附属公司外,所有会员均有投票权.
  • 当选的官员应为主席, 副总统, 秘书, 财务主管, 及对外联络, 谁的职责是管理协会的事务. The Executive Committee has the authority to appoint advisory board members, 学院代表, 必要时还可以增加职位.
  • The elected members shall be regular members of Asian and Asian-American Caucus.
  • The term of office for each officer shall be two years or until the next scheduled general election.
  • 高级职员的职责如下:
    • The President shall be the principal executive officer of the Association and shall preside at all general meetings of Asian and Asian-American Caucus.
    • 必要时,副主席代替主席行使职权.
    • The 秘书 shall maintain the membership list and other records of the Association.
    • The 财务主管 shall be responsible for the financial affairs of the Association.
    • The External Liaison shall be responsible for developing and maintaining relationships with other campus associations.
  • Election of officers shall be by secret ballot at a meeting of the Asian and Asian-American Caucus .
  • 由于任何原因,总统不能完成任期, 副主席担任主席. Vacancies in other offices occurring between elections shall be filled by procedures to be determined by the Executive Committee.
  • 执行委员会由主席组成, 副总统, 秘书, 财务主管, 及对外联络, and shall conduct the business of Asian and Asian-American Caucus as prescribed by the bylaws.
  • 所有其他委员会应由执行委员会设立. 成员将由执行委员会委任.
  • There shall be general meetings of Asian and Asian-American Caucus four times a year.
  • The Executive Committee and other committees shall meet as often as necessary.
  • Any member in good standing may propose an amendment of these bylaws to the Executive Committee for review.
  • The Executive Committee shall establish a committee to review the petition and make recommendations to the membership. 秘书应提交拟议的修正案, 连同委员会的建议, 由所有现任成员的多数票通过.






A. 介绍

会员可参与大学的申诉程序. To ensure the university policies are faithfully followed and to ensure members are treated fairly, 亚洲党团会采用此政策协助会员, 符合适用法律, 规定, 和政策.

B. 政策声明

B.1. 整体语句. 亚洲会议 is not a decision body to make any judgement on any cases under investigation. The role of 亚洲会议 is to provide resources and facilitate the process that benefits the parties involved in the process.

B.2. 资源的作用. 亚洲会议 serves as a resource for our members and the university stakeholders to provide background information or impartial opinions related to procedures and referrals to applicable parties that may help facilitate the process.

B.3. 顾问的角色. 亚洲会议 can appoint representatives to serve as an advisor for our members to participate in various meetings or hearing in the grievance procedure as allowable by the laws, 规定, 以及适用的大学政策.

B.4. 配角. Asian caucus will support our members to pursue the fair treatment as applicable by the laws, 规定, 以及适用的大学政策, especially in case convincing and consistent evidence suggests that the policy is not faithfully followed.

C. 程序

Step 1: Any member to benefit from this policy should initiate the process by contacting the President of 亚洲会议 with brief background information.

Step 2: The President or the President's appointed representative of 亚洲会议 meets the member to provide an initial assessment of the situation.

Step 3: The President or the President's appointed representative of 亚洲会议 should brief the Executive Committee or its designated committee to decide on any specific actions to take, 哪个是基于个别案例和场景的.

Step 4: The President should notify the members about the committee's decision afterwards.

Confidentiality statement: The 亚洲会议 will maintain the maximum confidentiality as possible and agreeable by the members in the process.

D. 政府

The executive committee has the right to consult with the University Counsel or any other university 管理员 about the proper procedures to take and has the right to interpret this policy as adopted.



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