
Fixed-Route Shuttle Services

君主交通 is ODU's shuttle service, providing FREE fixed-route bus service to all Students, Faculty and Staff with a current ODU ID.

The shuttles stop at all University academic areas, 学生宿舍, parking locations and athletic fields. Off-campus stops to local popular commercial destinations are available on weekends. To ride 君主交通, please have your ODU身份证 ready for rider verification.

查询穿梭巴士路线 & 时间表如下,或在 Transloc应用 从你的手机. For more information about policies and features, see '航天飞机的信息' below.

If you have any questions or issues with 君主交通, contact 运输 & 停车服务 by phone at 757-683-4358 或电邮至 monarchtransit@sh-fyz.com 从早上7点到晚上7点.m. - 3:00 a.m.


Use the app to track shuttles LIVE, view shuttle routes & 日程安排等等!

在苹果应用商店下载 ►

Download on Google Play Store ►


天黑后需要搭车? You can request a SAFE RIDE from 8 p.m. - 2 a.m.

了解更多 ►


此时此刻, for the safety and health of the Monarch community, 只有现在的ODU学生, faculty, and staff may ride the shuttle. A valid ODU身份证 must be presented upon boarding the shuttle.

  • Face masks must be worn at all times.
  • A valid ODU身份证 must be presented to the driver upon boarding.
  • No 吸烟上.
  • No drinking or eating allowed; all food must be stored.
  • No belligerent or unsafe behavior.
  • No luggage or possessions too large to fit in a rider's lap.
  • Only 服务的动物 允许上船.
  • 你可以骑自行车. All of the shuttles have a bike rack on the front.

  • ODU身份证 必须骑马
  • Video & 录音
  • 平衡扶手
  • 车辆每日预检
  • 持牌司机

All 君主交通 shuttle buses are equipped with wheelchair lifts located towards the rear of the vehicles. Shuttle drivers operate the lift and assist with boarding.

策划活动? The ODU运输 Fleet of shuttle buses, vans and professional drivers are available for hire for ODU related activities. Visit 活动泊车服务 了解更多信息.

失去一些东西? Call 运输 and 停车服务 at 757-683-4358 or email monarchtransit@sh-fyz.com 查询Lost & 发现物品.

航天飞机航线 & Schedules

The BLUE ROUTE services the Norfolk campus in the clockwise 方向,约取 20-25 minutes to complete a full circulation of campus. 蓝色路线是 基于频率, with 前进8-12分钟 in mornings and early afternoons, and 10-15分钟 晚上(下午6点以后).


星期一至星期五:早上7:30.m. - 8:00 p.m.


  • 怀特赫斯特/波瓦坦Apts
  • Quad / Dominion House
  • Diehn中心
  • 斯特罗姆/德拉加斯
  • 格雷沙姆主要
  • 46th & Killam
  • 乡村地段2(藤架)
  • 乡村地段第3段(藤架)
  • 下一个@ ODU
  • 佩里图书馆
  • 运输 & 停车的办公室
  • 鹿角大街
  • 波瓦坦大街

The SILVER ROUTE services the Norfolk campus in the 逆时针方向的 方向,约取 20-25 minutes to complete a full circulation of campus. 白银之路是 基于频率, with 前进8-12分钟 in mornings and early afternoons, and 10-15分钟 晚上(下午6点以后).


星期一至星期五:早上7:30.m. - 1:30 p.m.

下午2点开始.m., the 银的路线 will be combined with the 根特杂货服务 Route. Please see Off-Campus Routes tab for additional information.


  • 怀特赫斯特/波瓦坦Apts
  • LR Hill
  • 鹿角大街
  • 青石大街
  • CVS
  • 较低的君主
  • Bookstore
  • 布洛克共用
  • 格雷沙姆主要
  • 罗杰斯主要
  • 访客地段/体育馆
  • 检疫Rd
  • 伊斯兰中心
  • ODU INN (between 青石大街 and CVS)


The Wal-Mart Route provides transport to the Walmart on Tidewater Drive. This route completes a full circulation of the on-campus 银色路线停止 between off-campus trips. A complete trip off and back to campus takes approximately 45 - 60分钟.

The last on-campus stop before departing campus is 罗杰斯大厅.


Saturday & 周日:下午12点.m. - 6 p.m. (last bus leaves Walmart at 5:30 p.m.)

  • 银色路线停止
  • Walmart

The Ghent Grocery Route service provides transportation to several grocery store and a pharmacy on 21st. Street in the Ghent neighborhood south of ODU's main Norfolk Campus. This service is an on-demand service during specific service dates and times. Please see service dates, times, and designated pick-up, and drop-off locations below.

服务日期 & Hours
  • Monday - Friday 2:00PM - 8:00PM
  • Beginning at 2:00 PM, this route is combined with the 银色路线停止.
  • Please be at all Ghent pickup locations by 7:30PM to ensure your return to campus
指定的提货 & 下降的位置
  • 银色路线停止
  • 科利大街上的食物狮子
  • 21街的Aldis.
  • 21街的沃尔格林.
  • 21街的生鲜市场.

The 国际市场航线 service provides transportation to two international grocery stores beginning September 3rd, 2023. Grand Mart located on Newtown Road in Virginia Beach and Royal Bazaar located on Military Highway in Norfolk. This service is an on-demand service during specific service dates and times. Please see service dates, times, and designated pick-up, and drop-off locations below. A valid ODU ID is required to ride the shuttle and riders with a valid ODU ID can have one guest. The shuttle can be tracked using the Transloc应用.

服务日期 & Hours
  • 每隔一个星期日 - 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
  • 出发时间-下午12点.m., 1:30 p.m., 3:00 p.m. (出自第8拍品)
  • Shuttle will sit for approximately five (5) minutes per stop to load and unload.
指定的提货 & 下降的位置
  • 第8地块(迎宾中心)
  • 波瓦坦大道,拍品编号43
  • Grand Mart (Newtown Road - Virginia Beach)
  • Royal Bazaar (Military Highway - Norfolk)

For the duration of the winter season, a 雪的路线 has been established for days when the University experiences significant snowfall and/or icy road conditions that prevent 君主交通 from operating at full service.

The 雪的路线 circulates campus clockwise, staying on the immediate perimeter streets around the core rectangle of main campus: 43rd St, 波瓦坦大街, 49街和汉普顿大道交口.

ODU Mobile notifications listed under 'Transit' will notify riders if 雪的路线s are in effect.

  • 佩里图书馆
  • 运输 & 停车的办公室
  • 鹿角大街
  • 波瓦坦大街
  • Powhatan & 48th St.
  • 四/统治的房子
  • Diehn中心
  • 闲逛/ Dragas
  • 汉普顿大街 & 45th St.

The BLUE ROUTE services the Norfolk campus in the clockwise 方向,约取 20-25 minutes to complete a full circulation of campus. 蓝色路线是 基于频率, with 前进8-12分钟 in mornings and early afternoons, and 10-15分钟 晚上(下午6点以后).


星期一至星期五:早上7:30.m. - 8:00 p.m.


  • 怀特赫斯特/波瓦坦Apts
  • Quad / Dominion House
  • Diehn中心
  • 斯特罗姆/德拉加斯
  • 格雷沙姆主要
  • 46th & Killam
  • 乡村地段2(藤架)
  • 乡村地段第3段(藤架)
  • 下一个@ ODU
  • 佩里图书馆
  • 运输 & 停车的办公室
  • 鹿角大街
  • 波瓦坦大街

The SILVER ROUTE services the Norfolk campus in the 逆时针方向的 方向,约取 20-25 minutes to complete a full circulation of campus. 白银之路是 基于频率, with 前进8-12分钟 in mornings and early afternoons, and 10-15分钟 晚上(下午6点以后).


星期一至星期五:早上7:30.m. - 1:30 p.m.

下午2点开始.m., the 银的路线 will be combined with the 根特杂货服务 Route. Please see Off-Campus Routes tab for additional information.


  • 怀特赫斯特/波瓦坦Apts
  • LR Hill
  • 鹿角大街
  • 青石大街
  • CVS
  • 较低的君主
  • Bookstore
  • 布洛克共用
  • 格雷沙姆主要
  • 罗杰斯主要
  • 访客地段/体育馆
  • 检疫Rd
  • 伊斯兰中心
  • ODU INN (between 青石大街 and CVS)


The Wal-Mart Route provides transport to the Walmart on Tidewater Drive. This route completes a full circulation of the on-campus 银色路线停止 between off-campus trips. A complete trip off and back to campus takes approximately 45 - 60分钟.

The last on-campus stop before departing campus is 罗杰斯大厅.


Saturday & 周日:下午12点.m. - 6 p.m. (last bus leaves Walmart at 5:30 p.m.)

  • 银色路线停止
  • Walmart

The Ghent Grocery Route service provides transportation to several grocery store and a pharmacy on 21st. Street in the Ghent neighborhood south of ODU's main Norfolk Campus. This service is an on-demand service during specific service dates and times. Please see service dates, times, and designated pick-up, and drop-off locations below.

服务日期 & Hours
  • Monday - Friday 2:00PM - 8:00PM
  • Beginning at 2:00 PM, this route is combined with the 银色路线停止.
  • Please be at all Ghent pickup locations by 7:30PM to ensure your return to campus
指定的提货 & 下降的位置
  • 银色路线停止
  • 科利大街上的食物狮子
  • 21街的Aldis.
  • 21街的沃尔格林.
  • 21街的生鲜市场.

The 国际市场航线 service provides transportation to two international grocery stores beginning September 3rd, 2023. Grand Mart located on Newtown Road in Virginia Beach and Royal Bazaar located on Military Highway in Norfolk. This service is an on-demand service during specific service dates and times. Please see service dates, times, and designated pick-up, and drop-off locations below. A valid ODU ID is required to ride the shuttle and riders with a valid ODU ID can have one guest. The shuttle can be tracked using the Transloc应用.

服务日期 & Hours
  • 每隔一个星期日 - 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
  • 出发时间-下午12点.m., 1:30 p.m., 3:00 p.m. (出自第8拍品)
  • Shuttle will sit for approximately five (5) minutes per stop to load and unload.
指定的提货 & 下降的位置
  • 第8地块(迎宾中心)
  • 波瓦坦大道,拍品编号43
  • Grand Mart (Newtown Road - Virginia Beach)
  • Royal Bazaar (Military Highway - Norfolk)

For the duration of the winter season, a 雪的路线 has been established for days when the University experiences significant snowfall and/or icy road conditions that prevent 君主交通 from operating at full service.

The 雪的路线 circulates campus clockwise, staying on the immediate perimeter streets around the core rectangle of main campus: 43rd St, 波瓦坦大街, 49街和汉普顿大道交口.

ODU Mobile notifications listed under 'Transit' will notify riders if 雪的路线s are in effect.

  • 佩里图书馆
  • 运输 & 停车的办公室
  • 鹿角大街
  • 波瓦坦大街
  • Powhatan & 48th St.
  • 四/统治的房子
  • Diehn中心
  • 闲逛/ Dragas
  • 汉普顿大街 & 45th St.